Why Selective Activism Does Not Deter Inequality………

Kelly at Proud to Love
3 min readJul 17, 2020

If you take a look at the logo above, you may be confused at first. At first glance, you think “Oh this must be someone who cares about the Black Lives Matter movement.” But wait, why does it have the LGBTQ+ community colors in it????

I am not surprised that you are confused. Traditionally, we as people in general find one cause that really resonates with us and that is what we decide to support.

As you know, I am pushing full tilt toward bettering the world for the LGBTQ+ community. I have been spending countless hours working on ideas and putting plans in motion. I started this daily blog. We have our page. Things are moving. That’s great……..but what am I doing about the horrific things that are happening to the people who are actively fighting for the Black Lives Matter movement. Not only that, what about the smaller movements that I don’t even know about? How do you get lasting change if there is inequality in fighting for equality? It is enough to make my head hurt!!!!

Selective activism is an ineffective way of working toward change. This is just a new form of segregation. If one group only fights for their own interests, are they really any better than the oppressors they have been fighting all this time? The major atrocities in history can all be mapped back to an original idea or belief that someone felt passionately about and whom gathered others that felt that way to help them achieve their goal. Does that sound familiar? We don’t want to be guilty of that. Even the most well meaning person or group does damage if they do not have passion for other groups as well. But think of the things we can accomplish together!!!

I found a really interesting article that shows how the the black press paved the way for the LGBTQ+ movement. This shows how aligning the movements and supporting each other has more results than going at it alone.

So if I am an LGBTQ+ member who says I believe in equality for all individuals and am willing to do whatever it takes to see that happen for my community, it would be common sense that I must put that passion behind every cause that involves human beings being mistreated.

So what can we do about it? I am starting with the combined logo above. I am super excited. My family and I plan on being a part of the 57th Anniversary of Matin Luther Kings march in Washington, as well as smaller things that that are planned closer to where we live. We will be rolling out flags, shirts and stickers with the above logo so that we can show outwardly while protesting, or even while we are out getting groceries, that the LGBTQ+ community is Proud to Love and Proud to Stand by the Black Lives Matter movement. Inequality for anyone is absolutely NOT OK. I will have more info on that shortly if anyone would like to join us.

But what I am here to say to you today is protect each other. Love each other. Black, white, gay, straight, and absolutely everyone in-between. It is time for this to end. It only ends with us. Do you have the courage to do what it takes? Do you have the compassion to love everyone? If you do, let’s get moving. If you don’t, that’s ok, I haven’t given up on you yet. And I am not going anywhere. These causes aren’t going anywhere. I KNOW you all have it in you to be the hero’s this world needs. I have faith in you. Go do great things. Follow me and share this. I will talk to you soon.



Kelly at Proud to Love

My name is Kelly. I am the founder of Proud to Love. This blog is dedicated to getting the word out there for all who need a voice and to further equality.